Saturday, June 27, 2020

Media and Vietnam War Research Assignment Paper - 1100 Words

Media and Vietnam War Research Assignment Paper (Research Paper Sample) Content: Name:Professor:Course:Date:Media and Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War was also referred to us the Second Indochina War or the Resistance war against the America. The war took place from November, 1 1955 to April, 30 1975. The war took places in locations such as North Vietnam, Cambodia, South Vietnam, and Laos. The Vietnam War was the one that followed the 1st Indochina War which occurred between the years 1946 to 1954 and which was fought between the North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The North Vietnam was supported by China and the Soviet Union among other communities, and the South Vietnam were being supported by the U.S. together with other anti-communist friends. The Viet Cong that was also known as the National Liberation Front, a South Vietnamese front with the help of the North were fighting against the guerrilla war forces in the region. My research paper will address the topic of the media and the Vietnam War.In the early days of the war, the United States Media sho wed no interest in the ongoing Vietnam War. When the damages started to occur in the course of the Vietnam War is the time that Americans and the media started following carefully about how the war proceeded. Over three million people that included about 58,000 Americans died in the Vietnam War where more than the half were the Vietnamese Civilians. By 1969 which was the peak of the United States involvement in the Vietnam War, over 500,000 military from United States were deeply involved in the War. The growing opposition to the Vietnam War in the U.S. led to bitter subdivisions that occurred among the Americans. These occurred both after and before the President Richard Nixon, who ordered the U.S. withdrawal from the war in 1973. Only some few media journalists mainly covered the war until the rise of the communism that occurred in the country. The news covered was afterward being reflected in the United States of America. Media played a very crucial role in both ending the war an d uniting people who were involved in the Vietnam War. When the Americans got their primary involvement in the Vietnam War, the media took a great interest in the war since some of the Americans were killed. The reason as to which they did not involve themselves at first is due to the lack of adverse impact of the American people. When the American media got into involving itself about the proceeds of the Vietnam War, it did not go far before it ended. Media here played an important task of helping the sides that were fighting that they should stay in peace. Staying in peace does not mean that we ought to bomb our neighbors and keep killing them by shooting them. It meant that an agreement can arrive in identifying the reason for fighting and end the war. In the Vietnam War the primary aim of the media was mainly in unifying the people and let them realize that they can live as brothers and sisters.After many American presidents trying to come up with the peace treaties, including D wight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy an American president. Without the involvement of the media, their efforts were ending up being ignored since the fighters had nothing to touch their hearts and give them a good reason for them to stop fighting. What they believed is that each side was fighting for their rights which will be achieved after the other side withdrew from the war. The fighters did not have a picture in their minds of how many people were dying in the course of their fighting. These contributed to the war continuing for long where, on the other hand, many people were losing their lives, some of whom did not require to die during the war. But as usual, when a war occurs it causes the death of people involved and those one who are not involved as well. The intervention of the media particularly televisions played a very grave role in ending the Vietnamese War. It is because the fighters and the observers were bombarded by the horrific images that occurred on their te levisions about the Vietnam War. The images showed how people were killed desperately during the war and the sufferings that befell. The sufferings and painful deaths affected both women, men, and children. But the women and men were the ones who were adversely affected. Through media involvement in the Vietnam War, it makes many peoples heart be touched starting with the Americans and others. These led towards them start contributing about how the war can be terminated and peace to occur again in the area. In 1967 October, some 35,000 American demonstrators staged a mass of antiwar protest that happened outside the Pentagon. The opponents of the Vietnam War were arguing that the Civilians, which were not enemy combatants, were mostly the primary victims of the war. These led to the accusation by the demonstrators that the United States was in support of the corrupt dictatorship in the region called Saigon. Therefore, the American government had to do something in contributing to en din...

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